The admin services connected to HR are a necessary component and ever-present in companies’ life whether they have 1 employee or one thousand. They are quite morose and complex processes but mostly time consuming and error prone.
24|7’s services are designed to simplify these procedures regarding HR and admin management.
At 24|7 you will take advantage of the additional benefit of having certified accounting professionals dealing with these resources. 24|7 offers a vast solution for your admin and HR service needs, namely:
- Social Security employee Framing
- Payroll processing and respective receipts
- Compensation forms for Social Security
- Monthly compensation forms- DMR for Border Authorities
- Income form – Model 10 – Art. 119 CIRS
- Income form – Model 13 – Art. 119 CIRS (Non residents)
- Associates’ income form
- Production of Single Report (Relatório Único)