
Face your financial challenges with the help of 24|7

Tax Services:

The rules on tax represent a challenge for companies and their professionals.

The management of the tax burden on business is demanding and complex.


At 24|7 each Client will have a privileged key contact supported by a specialized team.


  • Tax estimate and respective, tax return filling
    • VAT – Treatment and Execution of Periodic VAT statement of declarations. As well as annex L from IES (if applicable);
    • IRS/IRC – Tax withholding from dependent and independent work, land registry and others;
    • IRC – Assessment of Corporate Income Tax (“Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas”), payments on account and surcharges, including municipal surcharge (“Derrama Municipal”).
  • Submittal of all tax documents including Model 10, 22 (IRC) and IES, fulfilling all legal deadlines set by competent authorities for each fiscal year.
  • Tax counsel.

We take care of your business and money as we take care of our own!

(and we take our money and businesses very seriously)

Learn why. Talk to us!

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