
A privileged key contact supported by a specialized team.

Accounting is mandatory.

24|7 transforms this obligation into an essential management tool,

making it an asset for the future of your company.

Nowadays, the new worldwide management models demand accurate and up to date financial info at every moment.

At 24|7 each Client has a privileged key contact supported by a specialized team.


To ensure that the client is permanently updated on the evolution of the businesses and company’ outcomes, 24|7 produces a monthly or trimestral report with the company’s economical and financial annalysis.


After analyzing these elements we schedule joint meetings to any doubts clarification.

24|7 provides Accounting Services in all regimes


Micro companies


General Regime

Our technical accounting services include the following:

  • Responsibility Assumption as a Statutory Auditor, by the technical regularity of the tax and accounting areas. Assumption of legal responsibility, as a certified accountat, by the technical regulalarity of the tax and accounting areas
  • Planning, organization and execution of accounting according to the Accounting Normalization System, following the legal norms and ruling accounting principles.
  • Yearly Work plan organization regarding accounting and tax declaration obligations, through the criterious fulfilment of a tax Calendar.

  • Opening of the Chart of accounts
  • Third party Chart of accounts
  • Planning, organization, conference, analysis, classification and entry of accounting support documents done by operation diaries.
  • Conciliation of the checking account of trial balance
  • General and Rate Trial Balance
  • Bank Conciliation
  • Fixed Asset control/ tangible fixed assets
  • Daily operation listings and respective trial balance
  • Exploration maps- Informing the Clients regarding their businesses

  • General conciliation of accounts and balance consistency verification
  • Fixed assets revision and creation of depreciation maps,, gains and assets, losses and Tax reassessments, etc.
  • Verification trial balances
  • Account readjustment Accounting Adjustments
  • Closing trial balance
  • Production of Results
  • Creation of a Tax Folder – TF: Drafting and signing of Legal Reporting documents, namely balance sheet, income statement by type, by function, and alteration statement from equity capital, cash flow statement and the annex to the financial statements according to NCRF 1
  • IRC- Mod. 22 Tax return submittal
  • Annual IES and annex statementstatements submittal
  • Establishing due taxes, filling in, certification, signature and submittal of legal statements owed to the Portuguese Tax Authorities regarding VAT, Corporation income tax (IRC), Personal income tax (IRS) and Stamp duty.
  • Filling in, organizitation and signature, if case being: submittal of other mandatory forms, to the Portuguese Tax Authorities resulting from the Client’s activity

Accounting is done according to the Accounting Standardisation System as is on the Article nº 158/2009 from the 13th of July, except if there is another legally mandatory regime active.

At 24|7 accounting is an instrument at the service of 24|7’s management.
Learn how, talk to us.

Don’t let accounting turn into a nightmare. We are your business partner 24/7.

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